Children Age-By-Age Guide To Toys!

Are you new to parenting? Or are you not aware of what to do for the upbringing of your child? If you are stuck up on what to bring for your infant and how to let your child learn all the good things in life then the most important thing is to buy some educational and helpful toys for your child.
As being among the part of 21st century, we understand that how technology and gadgets have taken over everyone including the newborn infants to the school going children. If you do not wish your child to get indulge in all these things then you must shop for some essential toys for a child that helps him learn many new and good things in life.
So, let’s check out below that – what’s the best toy is for an infant vs. a toddler. Also, before you plan to go out on a holiday shopping, make sure to check out our list and find out - what’s suitable for your growing child!
You can find out some amazing collection of infants and big children toys online at Souq and Awok. Here you will get a distinguished variety of children toys that will help your children grow in a better way. Shop these toys by using Souq coupon codes and enjoy great discount and deals.

Toys for Age-Group 0-12 Months

Top Toys to buy:
        Colourful, multicoloured crib mobiles.
        Rattles is a must for infants.
        Indestructible mirrors
        Activity boards
        Floor gyms
        Soft toys which can be washable like – softballs, stuffed animals and nice looking dolls.
During the initial phase of a baby, they just observe their surrounding because their vision is still blurry, so using a colourful toy that attracts their eyes is the best option to buy.
You do not have to buy the black or white toy but choose a comfortable and lightweight toy that can be easily lifted up by your baby. With his growing age, he'll enjoy toys more and can able to engage their senses as well.

Toys for Age-Group: 1-2 Years

Top Toys to buy:
        Push- or pull-toys which makes noise or have a portion that pops up or moves to-fro
        Beating sets that allow kids to use their energy
        Simple, well-built musical instruments such as drums, or maracas
        Soft clay for making different items
        Large play vehicles, such as a school bus or a car.
        Puzzles with four or five pieces
        Swimming pool with ducks and plastic toys
At this stage, your baby is learning new things in life, therefore, you should try and indulge in toys that fascinate them as well as allow them to grow mentally and physically. Include all those toys that provide the knowledge as well as let them perform actively.
For instance, your baby will surely love toys that allow him to play with toys that produce sound as well as enjoy hitting a ball with a hammer.

Toys for Age-Group: 3-4 Years

Top Toys to Buy:
        Dolls and stuffed animals
        Outing-on toys and tricycles
        In-house basketball
        Props for make-believe and play, such as toy telephone, a toy kitchen set, toy doctor-set, or a doll stroller
        Musical instruments (that offers more than just playing music)
        Large transportation toys with sound system
        Puzzles and colouring book
As your child reaches the age of 3 and 4, his play becomes more purposeful. This time he will able to grasp many new things and learn some good things about life.
So, surround your child with few educational as well as physical toys like tri-cycles, in-house basketball, puzzles, and building blocks. Your baby at this stage will start imitating. No matter how politically correct you are, your child will learn new things that you do or near his surroundings.

Toys for Age-Group: 6+ Years

Top Toys to Buy:
        Remote-control cars
        Basic science kits, and educational kits
        Magnets, amplifying glasses, and telescopes
        Art and Craft Kits
        Barbies and dolls for girls
        Video Game Boys
        Computer and video games
        Building sets, such as Legos or K'Nex
        Sports-related equipment and electronics
        Board games that involve approach, including chess and checkers
Now, your child has evolved fully that now he started to develop his own interest, started to speak on his own wishes and desires, learning from both his teachers and peers. A boy and girl started looking for different toys based on their gender and their interest develops from thereon. 
Some kids like doing science experiments, some may love making beaded jewellery or playing with dolls, some may enjoy painting and so on.
So, when you are taking care of your child, make sure you know, how and what to give your child in order to mould his future. Also, purchase toys at discounted rates by using Awok coupon codes.


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